Do you need to speak to someone about your emotional wellbeing?

19 May 2022
Statement: EWS Reconfiguration
The Emotional Wellbeing Service, part of Change Grow Live (CGL), was commissioned by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) back in 2016 to provide early intervention for emotional wellbeing in children and young people experiencing mild to moderate symptoms. The service was commissioned for an agreed term, but due to the pandemic was extended because of operational pressures across the Health Board.
Cardiff and Vale UHB is now in a position where the contract has been reviewed and the procurement process is underway to explore new provision. Since the service was established the needs of service users have altered and the Health Board is keen to use this opportunity to develop the new service based on feedback. Cardiff and Vale UHB will work with young people, stakeholders and staff to co-produce the new service in partnership with the successful supplier.
The existing contract for the Emotional Wellbeing Service is expected to end on 31st July 2022. In order to process existing referrals before this date, the decision has been made to now suspend new referrals through the service. This will ensure children and young people who have already been referred will complete the assessment process. If you have already been referred someone will be in touch in due course. The Health Board apologises for the disruption to this service during this time.
Services remain available for any young person who is seeking support around their emotional wellbeing. The Health Board continues to work closely with schools and other referrers to provide early mental health support for children and young people experiencing mild to moderate symptoms.
Young people have expressed an interest in having an out-of-hours drop-in service that allows them to speak to someone straight away when they are in need. Over the coming months the Health Board will be working with the successful supplier, young people, staff and stakeholders on the design of the new service with plans to implement this by Autumn 2022.
In the meantime, children or young people who need emotional wellbeing support can continue to access it in a number of ways:
The Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit is for people aged 11 to 25 years old. You will find six playlists that direct you to a wide range of online resources to help you through the lockdown and beyond.
In each of the playlists you’ll find self-help websites, apps, helplines, and more that are here to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people.
Find out more about the Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit.
SilverCloud offers online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programmes for people aged 16 and over with mild-moderate levels of depression, anxiety or stress.
Browse a list of programmes and choose one to complete over a 12-week period. You’ll receive fortnightly feedback from a qualified SilverCloud Supporter as you work your way through the programme.
Cardiff Family Gateway is an accessible referral route for anyone who has wellbeing concerns about a child or wants to learn more about the available support available to families throughout Cardiff.
The Families First Advice Line is the first point of contact for parents, carers and professionals who have, or are working with children age 0-18 residing in the Vale of Glamorgan.
Every school in our area has access to a school nurse, providing support for both young people and educators about mental health as well as a range of other health related issues.
School nurses are available for weekly drop-ins in secondary schools, so if you’re a young person who would like a conversation with a school nurse, ask a trusted teacher to put you in touch.
Young people can also use the Chat Health service Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:40pm. If you’re 11-19 years old and live in Cardiff or the Vale of Glamorgan, text your school nurse on 07520 615718 for confidential advice and support. The service is available Monday to Friday and out of hours there is a bounce back message offering contact details for other organisations.
Professionals can continue to access the ‘Single Point of Access’ when working with children and young people with emotional wellbeing or mental health challenges.
Call 02921 836730, to speak to the team.
Find out more about the Cardiff and Vale UHB ‘Single Point of Access’.
If you require further information, please email