Do you need to speak to someone about your emotional wellbeing?
The Welsh Government’s Framework on embedding a whole-school approach (WSA) to emotional and mental wellbeing has been issued as statutory guidance to primary, secondary, pupil referral units (PRUs) and special schools and local authorities across Wales.

This means that all schools, and the range of partners working within them, are responsible for working together to address the emotional and mental wellbeing needs of all children and young people, as well as school staff, as part of the whole-school community.
Each school will have pupils and staff with a range of different needs – the framework recognises that schools cannot meet all of these needs alone, which will also vary as they grow and develop from infancy to adolescence and early adulthood.

There has been a pilot running in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan wherein pilot schools are able to access support to implementing a whole-school approach from the Implementation Lead.
This has been extended for the 22/23 academic year.
Staff and partners working in schools and other education settings can access resources about developing a whole-school approach below.
We are also developing a list of resources that we hope would be helpful for education staff in supporting pupil and staff wellbeing in their communities.
Contact us if there are any topics you are interested in hearing more about.
Resources on implementing a whole school approach
Blogs and stories
Coming soon.